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VisBon 2025 "Charting Our Progress" Workshop

Bonham's City Council and BEDCo's Board of Directors held a joint "Charting our Progress" workshop on 11/4/19, with a progress update on the VisBon 2025 Plan.

Martin Sanchez speaks at VisBon 2025 Workshop
photo credit: Stephen Filipowicz

Vision Bonham 2017 - 2025 Plan Update

On November 4, 2019, Bonham's City Council and BEDCo's Board of Directors held a joint "Charting our Progress" update for the Vision Bonham 2017-2025 Plan (VisBon 2025). Speakers in this workshop included Dr. Randy McBroom, Ph. D. as well as our own Martin Sanchez, President & Co-founder of the Sanchez Group, and Rick Chaffin, Sanchez & Associates Director of Municipal Services.

Read the North Texas e-News article for detailed information about this workshop and the VisBon 2025 Plan.

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The Sanchez Group

210 Adriatic Parkway

Suite 200

McKinney, TX 75072

Phone: 469-424-5900



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Website design by Blue Heron Support

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